By The Numbers – New York State auto accidents

While conventional wisdom is that accidents happen, sometimes the root cause of an accident can be negligence. Unfortunately, victims of an accident often suffer life-altering injuries which can be costly. In addition to physical pain, an accident victim is often facing mountains of medical bills. Compounding the problem, serious injuries often mean a victim is unable to work. In these cases, victims of an accident need to work with an accident attorney in the Hudson Valley to ensure they are not burdened with the financial problems that can result from their injuries.

New York Roadway Fatal Accidents

The 2014 report from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles provided some insight to the incidents on New York roadways. They broke down accidents by several categories including the root cause of the accidents. Motorcycle, automobile, truck and bus accidents occur too frequently on the roadways and sadly, from the statistics, many of the accidents result in death. The overall death toll during 2014 which was 1,026 was broken down as follows:

  • Drivers Killed – 571
  • Passengers Killed – 140
  • Pedestrians Killed – 268
  • Bicyclists Killed – 47

It’s clear from looking at these statistics that a substantial number of deaths occurred to people who were not passengers or drivers of a motor vehicle.

Non-Fatal Accidents in New York

A staggering 160,497 people suffered an injury during a roadway accident in New York. The makeup of these victims was:

  • Drivers Injured – 96,547
  • Passengers Injured – 42,979
  • Pedestrians Injured – 14,906
  • Bicyclists Injured – 5,647

New York has a no fault insurance statute which means they must work with their own insurance company to be compensated for basic economic losses like medical expenses and lost wages. There are limits to those benefits.  However, serious injuries including death, dismemberment, broken bones and serious disability for 90 days or provides grounds for a personal injury lawsuit for compensation above and beyond basic economic losses.

The leading reason for roadway accidents was driver inattention, a growing problem given the number of cell phones, tablets and GPS units that many people use while traveling on New York roadways.

Anyone who has lost a loved one or has suffered a debilitating injury on New York roadways should contact an accident attorney in the Hudson Valley. Only an experienced attorney can ensure that victims get the financial support they need in the event they are unable to return to work or are facing high medical bills.