Contact a Personal Injury Attorney in Poughkeepsie to file a legal claim and best protect your rights
Consulting with a personal injury attorney in Poughkeepsie is the first step toward a monetary settlement in situations requiring claims and lawsuits. If an injured individual fails to contact a personal injury lawyer, he or she may miss the best opportunity to secure compensation for her injuries. Relying solely on the representation of an insurance company representative without the guidance of experienced counsel is not a good idea. After all, an insurance company representative is working on behalf of the negligent party. Consequently, the injured person who depends on insurance coverage to address immediate needs and problems may lose out on the chance to receive greater compensation by going it alone.
An Insurance Claim is Not a Legal Claim
When a person is injured due to negligence, the first thing that comes to mind is filing an insurance claim. When the insurance company accepts the claim, the injured party may think the amount received is ample compensation. The person may not contact a lawyer to determine if that is actually the case. The law permits people to sue parties responsible for accidents. A person who does not pursue all legal avenues may have a more difficult future if the compensation secured is insufficient and not enough us to make mortgage payments and pay bills. An injured person who hires a competent lawyer has a fighting chance to secure a more substantial monetary award than if she decides to go it alone against the insurance company.
Insurance is Not the Only Avenue to Financial Security
When a person is injured in an accident, financial security is of paramount importance. The individual may have lost a good job without any hopes of finding another similar position in the future. A serious injury can leave a family without the necessary means to pay medical bills or put food on the table. People may not know that they have certain rights. An injured party has the right to file an insurance claim and, if necessary, a lawsuit. The individual is not limited to making a choice.
Compensation is Not Limited to Automobile Accidents
When a person is injured, it is wise to contact a personal injury lawyer. Personal injuries cover a broad spectrum. People can file legal claims for many reasons including accidents at work, nursing home negligence, animal bites and injuries caused by faulty products. When in doubt about a claim, contact an experienced personal injury attorney in Poughkeepsie.