Distracted Driving: The Dangers of Technology on the Road

Distracted driving is becoming an increasingly dangerous practice that not only places the driver in danger, but also any passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers on the road. Though the term can apply to any activity that takes the driver’s attention away from the road, it is most often used to describe accidents caused by people using mobile devices while driving. Some people have compared distracted driving to drunk driving because it can negatively affect their reaction time, cause them to be less observant of their surroundings, and greatly increase the likelihood of an accident. When a distracted driver causes an auto accident in the Hudson Valley, residents often seek legal advice because that distracted driver is responsible for any damage or injury caused.

Technology that causes distracted driving

Cell phones are one of the biggest culprits for distracted driving, but certainly not the only ones. As wearable and portable technology becomes increasingly popular people are becoming accustomed to using it while doing any number of other things during the day. Many don’t even think twice before pulling out their devices and using them behind the wheel. A few of the most common technologies that are making the road so dangerous today include:

  • Texting. Sending text messages is a fast, easy way to communicate today, but typing out messages behind the wheel is one of the biggest driving distractions that causes car accidents today. It causes drivers to take their eyes off the road and their hands off of the wheel.
  • Talking on the phone. When drivers take one hand off the wheel to hold a phone to their ears or fumble to plug their phones in to charge while they are driving, they can become dangerously distracted. Fortunately, cars are becoming increasingly compatible with phones so that hands-free phone conversations are possible.
  • Using navigation. GPS can be very helpful for drivers finding their way around town, but if they are manipulating the screen, rerouting, or staring at the screen instead of the road then they can end up causing an accident.
  • Using an MP3 player. Music in the car can be distracting all on its own, but when drivers look down at the screen on their device to scroll through playlists or find music they aren’t watching the road or effectively controlling the wheel.
  • Watching videos. Mobile devices with data plans have made it possible to watch videos virtually anywhere, but when drivers do it people can get hurt, or even die.

These are just a few of the many different things that can cause distracted driving accidents. Though many people associate distracted driving with teenaged drivers, it can happen to drivers of any age. If a driver is looking away from the road or removing their hands from the wheel, they are endangering the lives of themselves and everyone around them. This is one of the biggest reasons that using technology while driving is frowned upon, and becoming illegal in many cities.